Pokemon Kanto Ultimate Evolution Changes

Pokemon Kanto Ultimate

If you’re looking for Pokemon Kanto Ultimate Evolution Changes, we’ve got you covered!

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Pokemon Kanto Ultimate Evolution Changes

  • Poliwhirl to Politoed (Ice Stone)
  • Porygon to Porygon 2 LV 34 / Porygon-Z LV 45
  • Golbat to Crobat LV 40
  • Kadabra to Alakazam LV 42
  • Machoke to Machamp LV 45
  • Gravellar to Golem LV 40
  • Slowpoke to Slowking (Ice Stone)
  • Haunter to Gengar – LV 35
  • Onix to Steelix LV 33
  • Seadra to Kingdra LV 38
  • Scyther to Scizor LV 36
  • Eevee to Umbreon (Moon Stone) / to Espeon (Sun Stone)
  • Clamperl to Gorebyss (Sun Stone) / to Huntail (Moon Stone)
  • Kirlia to Gardevoir (Moon Stone) / to Gallade (Sun Stone)
  • Eeeve to Leafeon (Leaf Stone) / to Glaceon (Ice Stone)
  • Larvesta to Volcarona LV 59
  • Gible to Gabite LV 24 / Gabite to Garchomp LV 48
  • Goomy to Sliggoo LV 40 / Sliggoo to Goodra LV 50
  • Salandit to Salazzle LV 33
  • Noibat to Noivern LV 48
  • Togepi to Togetic LV / Togetic to Togekiss LV
  • Sandslash to Sandrill LV
  • Roselia to Roserade LV
  • Dusclops to Dusknoir LV
  • Magmar to Magmortor
  • Murkrow to Honchkrow LV
  • Rhydon to Rhypherior LV
  • Misdrevus to Mismagius LV