Pokemon ROWE Evolutions

Pokemon R.O.W.E.

Read All Pokemon ROWE Evolutions

Pokemon ROWE is an attempt to create an open-world Pokemon Emerald with QoL changes and a high replay value, with diverse team building as the primary goal. If you’re looking for Pokemon ROWE Documentation (Wild Pokemon Locations, Item Locations, Important NPCs/Gift Pokemon/Item Locations, Mega Stone Locations, Pokemon Stats/Abilities/Move Changes, and much more), we’ve got you covered!

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Pokemon ROWE Evolutions

Bulbasaur Evolves At Level 16 Into Ivysaur

Ivysaur Evolves At Level 32 Into Venusaur

Venusaur Mega Evolves using a Venusaurite Into Venusaur Mega

Charmander Evolves At Level 16 Into Charmeleon

Charmeleon Evolves At Level 36 Into Charizard

Charizard Mega Evolves using a Charizardite X Into Charizard Mega X

Charizard Mega Evolves using a Charizardite Y Into Charizard Mega Y

Squirtle Evolves At Level 16 Into Wartortle

Wartortle Evolves At Level 36 Into Blastoise

Blastoise Mega Evolves using a Blastoisinite Into Blastoise Mega

Caterpie Evolves At Level 7 Into Metapod

Metapod Evolves At Level 10 Into Butterfree

Weedle Evolves At Level 7 Into Kakuna

Kakuna Evolves At Level 10 Into Beedrill

Beedrill Mega Evolves using a Beedrillite Into Beedrill Mega

Pidgey Evolves At Level 18 Into Pidgeotto

Pidgeotto Evolves At Level 36 Into Pidgeot

Pidgeot Mega Evolves using a Pidgeotite Into Pidgeot Mega

Rattata Evolves At Level 20 Into Raticate

Spearow Evolves At Level 20 Into Fearow

Ekans Evolves At Level 22 Into Arbok

Pikachu Evolves using a Thunder Stone Into Raichu

Pikachu Evolves using a Thunder Stone While in Sevii Into Raichu Alolan

Sandshrew Evolves At Level 22 Into Sandslash

Nidoran F Evolves At Level 16 Into Nidorina

Nidorina Evolves using a Moon Stone Into Nidoqueen

Nidoran M Evolves At Level 16 Into Nidorino

Nidorino Evolves using a Moon Stone Into Nidoking

Clefairy Evolves using a Moon Stone Into Clefable

Vulpix Evolves using aFire Stone Into Ninetales

Jigglypuff Evolves Evo Item, Item Moon Stone Into Wigglytuff

Zubat Evolves At Level 22 Into Golbat

Golbat Evolves At Level 38 Into Crobat

Oddish Evolves At Level 21 Into Gloom

Gloom Evolves using a Leaf Stone Into Vileplume

Gloom Evolves using a Sun Stone Into Bellossom

Paras Evolves At Level 24 Into Parasect

Venonat Evolves At Level 31 Into Venomoth

Diglett Evolves At Level 26 Into Dugtrio

Meowth Evolves At Level 30 Into Persian

Psyduck Evolves At Level 33 Into Golduck

Mankey Evolves At Level 28 Into Primeape

Growlithe Evolves using a Fire Stone Into Arcanine

Poliwag Evolves At Level 25 Into Poliwhirl

Poliwhirl Evolves using a Water Stone Into Poliwrath

Poliwhirl Evolves by Trading while holding a Kings Rock Into Politoed

Abra Evolves At Level 16 Into Kadabra

Kadabra Evolves Evo Trade, 0 Into Alakazam

Alakazam Mega Evolves using a Alakazite Into Alakazam Mega

Machop Evolves At Level 28 Into Machoke

Machoke Evolves Evo Trade, 0 Into Machamp

Bellsprout Evolves At Level 21 Into Weepinbell

Weepinbell Evolves Evo Item, Item Leaf Stone Into Victreebel

Tentacool Evolves At Level 30 Into Tentacruel

Geodude Evolves At Level 25 Into Graveler

Graveler Evolves Evo Trade, 0 Into Golem

Ponyta Evolves At Level 40 Into Rapidash

Slowpoke Evolves At Level 37 Into Slowbro

Slowpoke Evolves by Trading while holding a Kings Rock Into Slowking

Slowbro Mega Evolves using a Slowbronite Into Slowbro Mega

Magnemite Evolves At Level 30 Into Magneton

Magneton Evolves by leveling up at New Mauville Into Magnezone

Doduo Evolves At Level 31 Into Dodrio

Seel Evolves At Level 34 Into Dewgong

Grimer Evolves At Level 38 Into Muk

Shellder Evolves using a Water Stone Into Cloyster

Gastly Evolves At Level 25 Into Haunter

Haunter Evolves Evo Trade, 0 Into Gengar

Gengar Mega Evolves using a Gengarite Into Gengar Mega

Onix Evolves by Trading while holding a Metal Coat Into Steelix

Drowzee Evolves At Level 26 Into Hypno

Krabby Evolves At Level 28 Into Kingler

Voltorb Evolves At Level 30 Into Electrode

Exeggcute Evolves by using a Leaf Stone Into Exeggutor

Exeggcute Evolves by using a Leaf Stone While in Sevii Into Exeggutor Alolan

Cubone Evolves At Level 28 Into Marowak

Cubone Evolves At Level 28 at night While in Sevii Into Marowak Alolan

Lickitung Evolves Evo Move, Move Rollout Into Lickilicky

Koffing Evolves At Level  Day, 35 Into Weezing

Koffing Evolves At Level 35 at night While in Sevii Into Galarian Weezing

Rhyhorn Evolves At Level 35 Into Rhydon

Rhydon Evolves by Trading while holding a Protector Into Rhyperior

Chansey Evolves At Level 40 Into Blissey

TangelaEvolves by learning the move Ancient Power Into Tangrowth

Kangaskhan Mega Evolves using a Kangaskhanite Into Kangaskhan Mega

Horsea Evolves At Level 32 Into Seadra

Seadra Evolves by Trading while holding a Dragon Scale Into Kingdra

Goldeen Evolves At Level 33 Into Seaking

Staryu Evolves using aWater Stone Into Starmie

Scyther Evolves by Trading while holding a Metal Coat Into Scizor

Electabuzz Evolves by Trading while holding a Electirizer Into Electivire

Magmar Evolves by Trading while holding a Magmarizer Into Magmortar

Pinsir Mega Evolves using a Pinsirite Into Pinsir Mega

Magikarp Evolves At Level 20 Into Gyarados

Gyarados Mega Evolves using a Gyaradosite Into Gyarados Mega

Eevee Evolves using a Thunder Stone Into Jolteon

Eevee Evolves using a Item Water Stone Into Vaporeon

Eevee Evolves using a Fire Stone Into Flareon

Eevee Evolves While having Max Friendship at the Day Into Espeon

Eevee Evolves While having Max Friendship at the Night Into Umbreon

Eevee Evolves using a Leaf Stone Into Leafeon

Eevee Evolves using a Ice Stone Into Glaceon

Eevee Evolves after Learning a Fairy Type Move Into Sylveon

Porygon Evolves by Trading while holding a Up Grade Into Porygon2

Omanyte Evolves At Level 40 Into Omastar

Kabuto Evolves At Level 40 Into Kabutops

Aerodactyl Mega Evolves using a Aerodactylite Into Aerodactyl Mega

Dratini Evolves At Level 30 Into Dragonair

Dragonair Evolves At Level 55 Into Dragonite

Mewtwo Mega Evolves using a Mewtwonite X Into Mewtwo Mega X

Mewtwo Mega Evolves using a Mewtwonite Y Into Mewtwo Mega Y

Chikorita Evolves At Level 16 Into Bayleef

Bayleef Evolves At Level 32 Into Meganium

Cyndaquil Evolves At Level 14 Into Quilava

Quilava Evolves At Level 36 Into Typhlosion

Totodile Evolves At Level 18 Into Croconaw

Croconaw Evolves At Level 30 Into Feraligatr

Sentret Evolves At Level 15 Into Furret

Hoothoot Evolves At Level 20 Into Noctowl

Ledyba Evolves At Level 18 Into Ledian

Spinarak Evolves At Level 22 Into Ariados

Chinchou Evolves At Level 27 Into Lanturn

Pichu Evolves by having Max Friendship Into Pikachu

Cleffa Evolves by having Max Friendship Into Clefairy

Igglybuff Evolves by having Max Friendship Into Jigglypuff

Togepi Evolves by having Max Friendship Into Togetic

Togetic Evolves by using a Shiny Stone Into Togekiss

Natu Evolves At Level 25 Into Xatu

Mareep Evolves At Level 15 Into Flaaffy

Flaaffy Evolves At Level 30 Into Ampharos

Ampharos Mega Evolves using a Ampharosite Into Ampharos Mega

Marill Evolves At Level 18 Into Azumarill

Hoppip Evolves At Level 18 Into Skiploom

Skiploom Evolves At Level 27 Into Jumpluff

AipomEvolves by learning the move Double Hit Into Ambipom

Sunkern Evolves using a Sun Stone Into Sunflora

YanmaEvolves by learning the move Ancient Power Into Yanmega

Wooper Evolves At Level 20 Into Quagsire

Murkrow Evolves by using a Dusk Stone Into Honchkrow

Misdreavus Evolves by using a Dusk Stone Into Mismagius

Pineco Evolves At Level 31 Into Forretress

Gligar Evolves Evo Item Hold Night, Item Razor Fang Into Gliscor

Steelix Mega Evolves using a Steelixite Into Steelix Mega

Snubbull Evolves At Level 23 Into Granbull

Scizor Mega Evolves using a Scizorite Into Scizor Mega

Heracross Mega Evolves using a Heracronite Into Heracross Mega

Sneasel Evolves Evo Item Hold Night, Item Razor Claw Into Weavile

Teddiursa Evolves At Level 30 Into Ursaring

Slugma Evolves At Level 30 Into Magcargo

Swinub Evolves At Level 33 Into Piloswine

PiloswineEvolves by learning the move Ancient Power Into Mamoswine

Remoraid Evolves At Level 25 Into Octillery

Houndour Evolves At Level 24 Into Houndoom

Houndoom Mega Evolves using a Houndoominite Into Houndoom Mega

Phanpy Evolves At Level 25 Into Donphan

Porygon2 Evolves by Trading while holding a Dubious Disc Into Porygon Z

Tyrogue Evolves At Level 20 Into Hitmonchan When the Def Stat is Higher

Tyrogue Evolves At Level 20 Into Hitmonlee When the Atk Stat is Higher

Tyrogue Evolves At Level 20 Into Hitmontop When Both Atk and Def Stats are Equal

Smoochum Evolves At Level 30 Into Jynx

Elekid Evolves At Level 30 Into Electabuzz

Magby Evolves At Level 30 Into Magmar

Larvitar Evolves At Level 30 Into Pupitar

Pupitar Evolves At Level 55 Into Tyranitar

Tyranitar Mega Evolves using a Tyranitarite Into Tyranitar Mega

Treecko Evolves At Level 16 Into Grovyle

Grovyle Evolves At Level 36 Into Sceptile

Sceptile Mega Evolves using a Sceptilite Into Sceptile Mega

Torchic Evolves At Level 16 Into Combusken

Combusken Evolves At Level 36 Into Blaziken

Blaziken Mega Evolves using a Blazikenite Into Blaziken Mega

Mudkip Evolves At Level 16 Into Marshtomp

Marshtomp Evolves At Level 36 Into Swampert

Swampert Mega Evolves using a Swampertite Into Swampert Mega

Poochyena Evolves At Level 18 Into Mightyena

Zigzagoon Evolves At Level 20 Into Linoone

Wurmple Evolves At Level Into Silcoon or Cascoon Randomly

Silcoon Evolves At Level 10 Into Beautifly

Cascoon Evolves At Level 10 Into Dustox

Lotad Evolves At Level 14 Into Lombre

Lombre Evolves using aWater Stone Into Ludicolo

Seedot Evolves At Level 14 Into Nuzleaf

Nuzleaf Evolves using a Leaf Stone Into Shiftry

Nincada Evolves At Level  Ninjask, 20 Into Ninjask

Nincada Can Generate a Shedinja after Evolution if you have 1 pokeball in your bag and a Free Space in your Party

Taillow Evolves At Level 22 Into Swellow

Shroomish Evolves At Level 23 Into Breloom

Wingull Evolves At Level 25 Into Pelipper

Surskit Evolves At Level 22 Into Masquerain

Wailmer Evolves At Level 40 Into Wailord

Skitty Evolves using aMoon Stone Into Delcatty

Baltoy Evolves At Level 36 Into Claydol

Nosepass Evolves by Leveling Up at New Mauville Into Probopass

Sableye Mega Evolves using a Sablenite Into Sableye Mega

Barboach Evolves At Level 30 Into Whiscash

Corphish Evolves At Level 30 Into Crawdaunt

Feebas Evolves by Having more than 170 Beauty Into Milotic

Feebas Evolves by Trading while holding a Prism Scale Into Milotic

Carvanha Evolves At Level 30 Into Sharpedo

Sharpedo Mega Evolves using a Sharpedonite Into Sharpedo Mega

Trapinch Evolves At Level 35 Into Vibrava

Vibrava Evolves At Level 45 Into Flygon

Makuhita Evolves At Level 24 Into Hariyama

Electrike Evolves At Level 26 Into Manectric

Manectric Mega Evolves using a Manectite Into Manectric Mega

Numel Evolves At Level 33 Into Camerupt

Camerupt Mega Evolves using a Cameruptite Into Camerupt Mega

Spheal Evolves At Level 32 Into Sealeo

Sealeo Evolves At Level 44 Into Walrein

Cacnea Evolves At Level 32 Into Cacturne

Snorunt Evolves At Level 42 Into Glalie

Snorunt(Female) Evolves By using a Dawn Stone Into Froslass

Glalie Mega Evolves using a Glalitite Into Glalie Mega

Azurill Evolves by having Max Friendship Into Marill

Spoink Evolves At Level 32 Into Grumpig

Mawile Mega Evolves using a Mawilite Into Mawile Mega

Meditite Evolves At Level 37 Into Medicham

Medicham Mega Evolves using a Medichamite Into Medicham Mega

Swablu Evolves At Level 35 Into Altaria

Altaria Mega Evolves using a Altarianite Into Altaria Mega

Wynaut Evolves At Level 15 Into Wobbuffet

Duskull Evolves At Level 37 Into Dusclops

Dusclops Evolves by Trading while holding a Reaper Cloth Into Dusknoir

Roselia Evolves using a Shiny Stone Into Roserade

Slakoth Evolves At Level 18 Into Vigoroth

Vigoroth Evolves At Level 36 Into Slaking

Gulpin Evolves At Level 26 Into Swalot

Whismur Evolves At Level 20 Into Loudred

Loudred Evolves At Level 40 Into Exploud

Clamperl Evolves by Trading while holding a Deep Sea Tooth Into Huntail

Clamperl Evolves by Trading while holding a Deep Sea Scale Into Gorebyss

Absol Mega Evolves using a Absolite Into Absol Mega

Shuppet Evolves At Level 37 Into Banette

Banette Mega Evolves using a Banettite Into Banette Mega

Aron Evolves At Level 32 Into Lairon

Lairon Evolves At Level 42 Into Aggron

Aggron Mega Evolves using a Aggronite Into Aggron Mega

Lileep Evolves At Level 40 Into Cradily

Anorith Evolves At Level 40 Into Armaldo

Ralts Evolves At Level 20 Into Kirlia

Kirlia Evolves At Level 30 Into Gardevoir

Kirlia(Male) Using a Dawn Stone Into Gallade

Gardevoir Mega Evolves using a Gardevoirite Into Gardevoir Mega

Bagon Evolves At Level 30 Into Shelgon

Shelgon Evolves At Level 50 Into Salamence

Salamence Mega Evolves using a Salamencite Into Salamence Mega

Beldum Evolves At Level 20 Into Metang

Metang Evolves At Level 45 Into Metagross

Metagross Mega Evolves using a Metagrossite Into Metagross Mega

Latias Mega Evolves using a Latiasite Into Latias Mega

Latios Mega Evolves using a Latiosite Into Latios Mega

Rayquaza Mega Evolves after Learning Dragon Ascent Into Rayquaza Mega

Turtwig Evolves At Level 18 Into Grotle

Grotle Evolves At Level 32 Into Torterra

Chimchar Evolves At Level 14 Into Monferno

Monferno Evolves At Level 36 Into Infernape

Piplup Evolves At Level 16 Into Prinplup

Prinplup Evolves At Level 36 Into Empoleon

Starly Evolves At Level 14 Into Staravia

Staravia Evolves At Level 34 Into Staraptor

Bidoof Evolves At Level 15 Into Bibarel

Kricketot Evolves At Level 30 Into Kricketune

Shinx Evolves At Level 15 Into Luxio

Luxio Evolves At Level 30 Into Luxray

Budew By Having Max Friendship Into Roselia

Cranidos Evolves At Level 30 Into Rampardos

Shieldon Evolves At Level 30 Into Bastiodon

Burmy(Female) Evolves At Level 20 Into Wormadam

Burmy(Male) Evolves At Level 20 Into Mothim

Combee(Female) Evolves At Level 21 Into Vespiquen

Buizel Evolves At Level 26 Into Floatzel

Cherubi Evolves At Level 25 Into Cherrim

Shellos Evolves At Level 30 Into Gastrodon

Drifloon Evolves At Level 28 Into Drifblim

Buneary Evolves by having Max Friendship Into Lopunny

Lopunny Mega Evolves using a Lopunnite Into Lopunny Mega

Glameow Evolves At Level 38 Into Purugly

Chingling Evolves by having max Friendship at NightInto Chimecho

Stunky Evolves At Level 34 Into Skuntank

Bronzor Evolves At Level 35 Into Bronzong

Bonsly Evolves by learning the move Mimic Into Sudowoodo

Mime.jr Evolves by learning the move Mimic Into Mr Mime

Mime.jr Evolves by Using a Ice Stone While Holding the Strange Souvenir Into Mr Mime Galarian

Happiny Evolves by Holding an Oval Stone in the Day Into Chansey

Gible] Evolves At Level 24 Into Gabite

Gabite Evolves At Level 48 Into Garchomp

Garchomp Mega Evolves using a Garchompite Into Garchomp Mega

Munchlax Evolves At Level 30 Into Snorlax

Riolu Evolves At Level 30 Into Lucario

Lucario Mega Evolves using a Lucarionite Into Lucario Mega

Hippopotas Evolves At Level 34 Into Hippowdon

Skorupi Evolves At Level 40 Into Drapion

Croagunk Evolves At Level 37 Into Toxicroak

Finneon Evolves At Level 31 Into Lumineon

Mantyke Evolves Evo Specific Mon In Party Into Remoraid Into Mantine

Snover Evolves At Level 40 Into Abomasnow

Abomasnow Mega Evolves using a Abomasite Into Abomasnow Mega

Gallade Mega Evolves using a Galladite Into Gallade Mega

Snivy] Evolves At Level 17 Into Servine

Servine Evolves At Level 36 Into Serperior

Tepig] Evolves At Level 17 Into Pignite

Pignite Evolves At Level 36 Into Emboar

Oshawott Evolves At Level 17 Into Dewott

Dewott Evolves At Level 36 Into Samurott

Patrat Evolves At Level 20 Into Watchog

Lillipup Evolves At Level 16 Into Herdier

Herdier Evolves At Level 32 Into Stoutland

Purrloin Evolves At Level 20 Into Liepard

Pansage Evolves by using a Leaf Stone Into Simisage

Pansear Evolves by using a Fire Stone Into Simisear

Panpour Evolves by using a Water Stone Into Simipour

Munna Evolves by using a Moon Stone Into Musharna

Pidove Evolves At Level 21 Into Tranquill

Tranquill Evolves At Level 32 Into Unfezant

Blitzle Evolves At Level 27 Into Zebstrika

Roggenrola Evolves At Level 25 Into Boldore

Boldore Evolves Evo Trade, 0 Into Gigalith

Woobat Evolves by having Max Friendship Into Swoobat

Drilbur Evolves At Level 31 Into Excadrill

Audino Mega Evolves using a Audinite Into Audino Mega

Timburr Evolves At Level 25 Into Gurdurr

Gurdurr Evolves Evo Trade, 0 Into Conkeldurr

Tympole Evolves At Level 25 Into Palpitoad

Palpitoad Evolves At Level 36 Into Seismitoad

Sewaddle Evolves At Level 20 Into Swadloon

Swadloon Evolves At Level 35 Into Leavanny

Venipede Evolves At Level 22 Into Whirlipede

Whirlipede Evolves At Level 30 Into Scolipede

Cottonee Evolves by using a Sun Stone Into Whimsicott

Petilil Evolves by using a Sun Stone Into Lilligant

Sandile Evolves At Level 29 Into Krokorok

Krokorok Evolves At Level 40 Into Krookodile

Darumaka Evolves At Level 35 Into Darmanitan

Dwebble Evolves At Level 34 Into Crustle

Scraggy Evolves At Level 39 Into Scrafty

Yamask Evolves At Level 34 Into Cofagrigus

Tirtouga Evolves At Level 37 Into Carracosta

Archen Evolves At Level 37 Into Archeops

Trubbish Evolves At Level 36 Into Garbodor

Zorua Evolves At Level 30 Into Zoroark

Minccino Evolves by using a Shiny Stone Into Cinccino

Gothita Evolves At Level 32 Into Gothorita

Gothorita Evolves At Level 41 Into Gothitelle

Solosis Evolves At Level 32 Into Duosion

Duosion Evolves At Level 41 Into Reuniclus

Ducklett Evolves At Level 35 Into Swanna

Vanillite Evolves At Level 25 Into Vanillish

Vanillish Evolves At Level 40 Into Vanilluxe

Deerling Evolves At Level 34 Into Sawsbuck

Karrablast Evolves By Having a Shelmet in your Party and Leveling Up Into Escavalier

Foongus Evolves At Level 39 Into Amoonguss

Frillish Evolves At Level 40 Into Jellicent

Joltik Evolves At Level 36 Into Galvantula

Ferroseed Evolves At Level 40 Into Ferrothorn

Klink Evolves At Level 30 Into Klang

Klang] Evolves At Level 45 Into Klinklang

Tynamo Evolves At Level 30 Into Eelektrik

Eelektrik Evolves by using a Thunder Stone Into Eelektross

Elgyem Evolves At Level 42 Into Beheeyem

Litwick Evolves At Level 41 Into Lampent

Lampent Evolves by using a Dusk Stone Into Chandelure

Axew Evolves At Level 30 Into Fraxure

Fraxure Evolves At Level 55 Into Haxorus

Cubchoo Evolves At Level 30 Into Beartic

Shelmet  Evolves By Having a Karrablast in your Party and Leveling Up Into Into Accelgor

Mienfoo Evolves At Level 35 Into Mienshao

Golett Evolves At Level 43 Into Golurk

Pawniard Evolves At Level 37 Into Bisharp

Rufflet Evolves At Level 35 Into Braviary

Vullaby Evolves At Level 35 Into Mandibuzz

Deino Evolves At Level 30 Into Zweilous

Zweilous Evolves At Level 55 Into Hydreigon

Larvesta Evolves At Level 40 Into Volcarona

Chespin Evolves At Level 16 Into Quilladin

Quilladin Evolves At Level 36 Into Chesnaught

Fennekin Evolves At Level 16 Into Braixen

Braixen Evolves At Level 36 Into Delphox

Froakie Evolves At Level 16 Into Frogadier

Frogadier Evolves At Level 36 Into Greninja

Bunnelby Evolves At Level 20 Into Diggersby

Fletchling Evolves At Level 17 Into Fletchinder

Fletchinder Evolves At Level 35 Into Talonflame

Scatterbug Evolves At Level 9 Into Spewpa

Spewpa Evolves At Level 12 Into Vivillon

Litleo Evolves At Level 35 Into Pyroar

Flabebe Evolves At Level 19 Into Floette

Floette Evolves by using a Shiny Stone Into Florges

Skiddo Evolves At Level 30 Into Gogoat

Pancham Evolves At Level 32 Into Pangoro

Espurr Evolves At Level 25 Into Meowstic

Honedge Evolves At Level 35 Into Doublade

Doublade Evolves by using a Dusk Stone Into Aegislash

Spritzee Evolves by Trading while holding a Sachet Into Aromatisse

Swirlix Evolves by Trading while holding a Whipped Dream Into Slurpuff

Inkay Evolves At Level 30 Into Malamar

Binacle Evolves At Level 39 Into Barbaracle

Skrelp Evolves At Level 40 Into Dragalge

Clauncher Evolves At Level 37 Into Clawitzer

Helioptile Evolves by using a Sun Stone Into Heliolisk

Tyrunt Evolves At Level 39 in the Day Into Tyrantrum

Amaura Evolves At Level 39 in the Night Into Aurorus

Goomy] Evolves At Level 40 Into Sliggoo

Sliggoo Evolves At Level 50 While in the Rain Into Goodra

Phantump Evolves Evo Trade, 0 Into Trevenant

Pumpkaboo Evolves by Trading Into Gourgeist

Bergmite Evolves At Level 37 Into Avalugg

Noibat Evolves At Level 40 Into Noivern

Diancie Mega Evolves using a Diancite Into Diancie Mega

Rowlet Evolves At Level 17 Into Dartrix

Dartrix Evolves At Level 34 Into Decidueye

Litten Evolves At Level 17 Into Torracat

Torracat Evolves At Level 34 Into Incineroar

Popplio Evolves At Level 17 Into Brionne

Brionne Evolves At Level 34 Into Primarina

Pikipek Evolves At Level 14 Into Trumbeak

Trumbeak Evolves At Level 28 Into Toucannon

Yungoos Evolves At Level  Day, 20 Into Gumshoos

Grubbin Evolves At Level 20 Into Charjabug

Charjabug Evolves by leveling up at New Mauville Into Vikavolt

Crabrawler Evolves By Leveling up at Shoal Cave Low Tide Ice Room Into Crabominable

Cutiefly Evolves At Level 25 Into Ribombee

Rockruff Evolves At Level 25 Into Lycanroc(The Form Depends on the Time)

Mareanie Evolves At Level 38 Into Toxapex

Mudbray Evolves At Level 30 Into Mudsdale

Dewpider Evolves At Level 22 Into Araquanid

Fomantis Evolves At Level  Day, 34 Into Lurantis

Morelull Evolves At Level 24 Into Shiinotic

Salandit Evolves At Level  Female, 33 Into Salazzle

Stufful Evolves At Level 27 Into Bewear

Bounsweet Evolves At Level 18 Into Steenee

Steenee Evolves By Learning Stomp Into Tsareena

Wimpod Evolves At Level 30 Into Golisopod

Sandygast Evolves At Level 30 Into Palossand

Type Null Evolves At Level 40 Into Silvally

Jangmo O Evolves At Level 35 Into Hakamo O

Hakamo O Evolves At Level 45 Into Kommo O

Cosmog Evolves At Level 43 Into Cosmoem

Cosmoem Evolves At Level 53 During the Day Into Solgaleo

Cosmoem Evolves At Level 53 During the Night Into Lunala

Poipole Evolves While Knowing Dragon Pulse Into Naganadel

Grookey Evolves At Level 16 Into Thwackey

Thwackey Evolves At Level 35 Into Rillaboom

Scorbunny Evolves At Level 16 Into Raboot

Raboot Evolves At Level 35 Into Cinderace

Sobble Evolves At Level 16 Into Drizzile

Drizzile Evolves At Level 35 Into Inteleon

Skwovet Evolves At Level 24 Into Greedent

Rookidee Evolves At Level 18 Into Corvisquire

Corvisquire Evolves At Level 38 Into Corviknight

Blipbug Evolves At Level 10 Into Dottler

Dottler Evolves At Level 30 Into Orbeetle

Nickit Evolves At Level 28 Into Thievul

Gossifleur Evolves At Level 20 Into Eldegoss

Wooloo Evolves At Level 24 Into Dubwool

Chewtle Evolves At Level 22 Into Drednaw

Yamper Evolves At Level 25 Into Boltund

Rolycoly Evolves At Level 18 Into Carkol

Carkol Evolves At Level 34 Into Coalossal

Applin Evolves At Level 34 During the Day Into Flapple

Applin Evolves At Level 34 During the Night Into Appletun

Silicobra Evolves At Level 36 Into Sandaconda

Arrokuda Evolves At Level 26 Into Barraskewda

Toxel Evolves At Level 30 Into Toxtricity(The Form Depends of the time of the day)

Sizzlipede Evolves At Level 28 Into Centiskorch

Clobbopus Evolves after Learning TauntInto Grapploct

Sinistea Evolves At Level 34 Into Polteageist

Hatenna Evolves At Level 32 Into Hattrem

Hattrem Evolves At Level 42 Into Hatterene

Impidimp Evolves At Level 32 Into Morgrem

Morgrem Evolves At Level 42 Into Grimmsnarl

Milcery Evolves At Level 36 Into Alcremie

Snom Evolves By Having High Friendship during the Night Into Frosmoth

Cufant Evolves At Level 30 Into Copperajah

Dreepy Evolves At Level 50 Into Drakloak

Drakloak Evolves At Level 60 Into Dragapult

Kubfu Evolves At Level 50 Into Urshifu

Rattata Alolan Evolves At Level 20 During the Night Into Raticate Alolan

Sandshrew Alolan Evolves by using an Ice Stone Into Sandslash Alolan

Vulpix Alolan Evolves by using an Item Ice Stone Into Ninetales Alolan

Diglett Alolan Evolves At Level At Level 26 Into Dugtrio Alolan

Meowth Alolan By Having Max Friendship at Level 28 Into Persian Alolan

Geodude Alolan Evolves At Level At Level 25 Into Graveler Alolan

Graveler Alolan Evolves by Trading Into Golem Alolan

Grimer Alolan Evolves At Level 38 Into Muk Alolan

Meowth Galarian Evolves At Level 28 Into Perrserker

Ponyta Galarian Evolves At Level 40 Into Rapidash Galarian

Slowpoke Galarian Evolves At Level 37 Into Slowbro Galarian

Slowpoke Galarian Evolves By Trading While Holding a Kings Rock Into Slowking Galarian

Farfetch’d Galarian Evolves At Level 36 Into Sirfetchd

Mr. Mime Galarian Evolves At Level 42 Into Mr. Rime

Corsola Galarian Evolves At Level 38 Into Cursola

Zigzagoon Galarian Evolves At Level 20 Into Linoone Galarian

Linoone Galarian Evolves At Level Night, 35 Into Obstagoon

Darumaka Galarian Evolves By Using a  Ice Stone Into Darmanitan Galarian

Yamask Galarian Evolves At Level 34 Into Runerigusges White Flower

If you want to download the latest version of the game, click here and visit pokemongbarom.com to download pre-patched Pokemon GBA, NDS, GBC & 3DS ROM Hacks